Angela Carnuccio

Certified Skilled Enneagram Coach


About Angela

Vulnerability | Intentionality | Authenticity | Restoration | Self-Awareness

These are a few tenets of my personal mission statement, which make up my coaching and mentoring practice.

When I first stumbled upon the Enneagram, I was extremely skeptical. After all, I hated being “put in a box.” But upon diving deeper, I received clarity like I had never encountered before … and I have never been the same since. This tool has brought tremendous transformation in my own life and has helped me have more compassion for myself and others. I want to help others begin the same journey of self-love, healing, and restoration that I’ve experienced.

It’s never too late to embark on the journey of self-growth. As dynamic and complex beings, we are constantly growing and creating new life in ourselves and our relationships.

I have worked for many years with individuals and groups—coaching, teaching, and mentoring those who are ready to transform their own lives as well as their relationships to a place of growth and mutual love and respect.

I am passionate about helping others discover the people they are deep within themselves, break out of habits that are difficult to change, and become "unstuck" so they can move into becoming their best selves.

I look forward to working with you.


Why the Enneagram?

I have always been skeptical of personality assessments. I remember going on a week-long service retreat during my spring break in college, where we took a multiple choice quiz and were categorized into one of four colors. I was labeled “blue,” and after I claimed that I didn’t believe in personality tests, and certainly didn’t feel that I could be put into the “blue” box, someone quickly pointed out that “blues” are the most skeptical of all the colors …

When I stumbled upon the Enneagram, I quickly discovered that it was unlike any profiling system I had ever encountered. It didn't just look at the surface of my personality—it went to the very heart of my experience.

The Enneagram never shows you who you are—warts and all—without also showing you how you can grow. With its multifaceted layers, I’ve loved every moment of better understanding this dynamic personality tool and using it for good.


What next?

The clarity that the Enneagram brought to my perception of myself and the world was remarkable. I was finally aware of the why behind my thoughts, feelings, and behavior. And I wasn't crazy or alone—there are others out there who experience the world in a similar way to me! Though I immediately felt exposed, I simultaneously felt validated and understood.

Imagine there are 9 different shades of sunglasses, and each person is wearing one of those 9 shades. All information that they take in and process on a daily basis gets filtered through that one particular shade.

But the most life-changing aspect was that the Enneagram offered me a way out of my destructive patterns and towards who I truly am at my very core—the person that God created me to be.

​​I completed my certification in Enneagram Coaching through Your Enneagram Coach (Beth McCord) and launched AC Coaching in 2020.

​This newfound understanding has fueled my passion to see lives transformed and relationships strengthened through the wisdom of the Enneagram and the truth of the Gospel.


I’m Ready

Are you curious to see what kind of life-giving and transforming experience you can have with the Enneagram?

Book a consultation today to grow one step towards the person you were created to be.


Got questions?

Contact me here.


To learn more about how the Enneagram can help you live the life you were created for, book a free 15-minute consultation.